Mission: To Offer God My Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit)as a "Living Sacrifice"; A Temple That is Holy and Pleasing to God. Vision: To Transform, Equip, and Encourage the "Body of Christ" in Whole Person Wellness. We do this to Worship God with our Whole Self (Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength) becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World (Family,Workplace,Community, and World)!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Way I See It by Rick Warren at Starbucks 2006

Fruits and Vegetables to Build Strong Bones

Source: www.welsource.com Powerpoint slides from June 2006 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Know Your Numbers "8 Weeks to Wellness"
Final Results (This Week)........

FINAL measurements are this week for the "8 Weeks to Wellness" Wellness Challenge at Sunnybrook Community Church.

Please bring your 8 Weeks to Wellness Books or Have your total points recorded from the Personal Wellness Log for your "Daily Temple Inspection" Points and Yourself to the Sunnybrook Church Gym on the following dates between the times noted below :)

--Thursday March 29th from 7 to 9pm and
--Saturday March 31st from 10am to Noon in the Sunnybrook Community Church's Gym

We will also remeasure your;
--Body weight
--Body composition (muscle vs fat weight)
--Blood pressure
--Inches (Men: Waist and Chest and Women: Waist and Thigh)
--Digittal Photo to Document your Awesome Results "transformation"

--We will also have a JOURNAL for each person to document a POSITIVE Lifestyle Changes that they made during the 8 Weeks to Wellness (We will give Thanks to God for HIS AWESOME power and leadership to break our bad habits of the flesh!!)

In Jesus AWESOME and Powerful Name....

Erik Nieuwenhuis
Kory Zimney
Tony Anderson
Shane and Cindy Townsend
Pat McNear
Chris VerSteeg
Peggy TerWee

Preventive Care---Wk 8 (8 Weeks to Wellness):
Regular Check ups are an essential part of any prevention program. They become even more important after the age of 40 or 50 years of age. Detecting a health problem and initiating treatment early can prevent serious illness or complications, and even death can be prevented. Keeping current on recommended immunizations is also an effective way to prevent serious illness. Having a yearly physical is a GREAT way to prevent any illness and stay well for LIFE!!

1. Blood Pressure: Everyone should have their blood pressure checked at least every 2 years, and keep it as low as possible with normal being less than 120/80. Up to 139-89 is called pre-hypertension, and greater than 140/90 is high blood pressure and needs to be further evaluated by your family doctor.

2. Cholesterol: Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide and one of the best predictors of heart disease is the cholesterol test. Adults should know their; Total cholesterol, LDL (bad), HDL (good and prevents heart disease), and Triglycerides. Ideal LDL is below 100, and desireable is less than 130. If you have a personal history of heart disease/ problems or diabetes it's even more important to have low LDL levels 70-100. An HDL level of 45 or higher for men and 55 or more for women is desired, while greater than 60 is optimal.

3. Blood Glucose: More than 18 million people in the USA have diabetes with approx 90-95% being type II. New research states that 33% of children born after the year 2000 will develop diabetes during their lifetime secondary to America's poor lifestyle choices of smoking/ not being physically active or exercising and eating too many high sugar, high fat and processed foods (donuts, cake, pies, chips, many snack foods.)

All adults over 40, or if you have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight/ obese and inactive you should have this test each year at your physical. A fasing blood glucose from 100-125 is prediabetes; where 126 or higher indicates diabetes. Diabetes increases your risks for heart disease, stroke, blindness, peripheral neuropathy, and more.

The great news is that large population research studies also show that 70-90% of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are preventable by improving our daily lifestyle choices!!

Lifestyle Choices that can Significantly REDUCE your risks of Developing Heart Disease, Diabetes and/ or Cancer are;
1) To be physically active for 30 or more minutes daily and
2) By losing 10 to 15 pounds and working towards a healthy weight and body composition
3) Avoid smoking or tobacco products
4) Eat more Fruits and Vegetables Daily....Work towards 5 to 9 servings each day!!
5) Eat Nuts, Nut Butters, or Seeds Daily...Work towards 1 serving each day or 5+ each week and your risks of Heart disease and cancer each drop by approx 50% from large population studies. Some of the best nuts to eat from reasearch are; Walnuts, almonds, cashews.
6) Get Adequate Rest/ Sleep....Work towards 7 to 8 hrs/ night
7) Choose Healthy Fats such as Nuts, Extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, omega 3 fatty acids found in fish/ walnuts/ soy and flax seeds.
8) Eliminate and Limit your intake of Trans Fats (Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils); Limit Fried foods, donuts, cakes, pies, and many snack foods for this ingredient.
9) Eat more food high in Fiber such as Fruits and Vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, whole grain cereals (look for great choices on the top row of your grocery store...work towards 5 grams or more per serving:)
10) Drink more water....Work towards taking your body weight divided by 2 and this is the total number of ounces of water you want to work towards drinking each day!! You'll notice more energy, you'll control your appetite, you'll burn body fat, you'll have less joint pain secondary to water lubricating your joints, and your body will heal faster...You'll even breath better and your digestion will improve:)

This week you get 7 points (1 time only) if you are up to date with all preventive tests...see your chapter in 8 Weeks to Wellness Book. You get 1 pt/ day for each day you wear your seat belt when in a car, and 1 point for brush and flossing your teeth each day:)

Source: 8 Weeks to Wellness by WellSource at www.wellsource.com

Friday, March 16, 2007

Self Discipline A KEY Character Trait to Living a Healthy Life :)

Wellness Physical Activity Pyramid

Coping With Stress--Week 7

Daily Stress Breakers:
--Take slow, deep breaths of air and relax your muscles
--Take a stretch break, and WorkSmart:)
--Get up from sitting every 30-60 minutes, walk around, get a drink of water, stretch, check your posture habits
--Play with your children
--Enjoy an evening walk at sunset, or a morning walk and watch the sunrise!!
--Listen to relaxing music while walking in nature by Bacon Creek, Missouri river trail, Stone state park
--Visit with a special friend or family member
--Sit in the sunshine, or beach
--Take a warm bath
--Serve and help out someone in your family or community (spouse/ children/ co-worker/ friend/etc..)
--Write in your journal
--Meditate, pray, reflect on your life
--Read the Bible each day
--Read a good book
--Work in the garden
--Enjoy a hobby you enjoy
--Come and check out Pump and Praise at Sunnybrook (3 days each week; Mon and Thur at 5:30am and Sat at 8am)
--Do any type of physical activity or exercise....Move your body 4 your health!!
--Get a Massage
--Watch your favorite movie or rent a movie you want to see:)

Source: www.wellsource.com 8 Weeks to Wellness

Thursday, March 15, 2007

No Pump and Praise Class on Saturday March 17th Enjoy St Patty's Day with a Walk Outdoors:)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Mind-Body Connection--Wk 6
Wellness Goals-------------

1. Do Something to enhance mind/ body health; For Example:

Mental Health Activities:
-Do something fun you really enjoy
-Engage in a hobby
-Read a good book that stimulates your mind..Bible:)
-Work on a puzzle, Sudoku, crossword puzzle, play chess, etc...
-Take a class, in person or on the web
-Spend time in nature enjoying the beauty of God's creation and solitude

Social Health Activities:
-Visit with a good friend
-Get acquainted with a new person
-Participate in a group activity
-Attend a social activity such as LIFE group at Sunnybrook
-Play a game with someone
-Go for a walk or visit with someone

Spiritual health activities:
- Spend time in quiet contemplation/ meditation/ prayer
- Read the Bible Daily
-Volunteer or help someone (Serve others)
-Attend church service or concert
-Listen to K-Love at 107.5 or 88.9 FM or online at K-Love.com
-Mend a broken relationship

2. Identify and destructive dependencies you have. If you recognize an unhealthy habit you have ask God for help in overcoming this dependency/ addiction and find an accountability partner to confide in. Examples are;

-For one day avoid....
--Caffeine (coffee, pop/ soda, energy drinks)
--Turn off the TV/ Movies/ Video Games
--Turn off your Cell phone/ Email/ Internet
--Turn off your PDA/ Blackberry
--Avoid overeating and PRAY for God to show you why you do this
--Skipping meals for fear of becoming fat
--Smoking, Tobacco
--Drinking alcohol
--Self mutalation
--Gambling of any kind
--Pornography/ Lust

Source: 8 Weeks to Wellness by Wellsource www.wellsource.com

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Achieve/ Maintain a Healthy Weight--Week 5
---Adapt a Healthy Lifestyle by Being Active Daily. Develop healthy, lower calorie eating habits. Incorporate good coping skills. Maintain a positive, hopeful, and trusting outlook on LIFE. Maintain a strong social support system with emotionally nurturing relationships. These are the basics for maintaining a healthy weight for a lifetime:)

1) Start by Setting a Realistic SMART Goal--Rapid weight loss is primarily water and muscle loss, NOT fat loss. If you lose weight slowly, you are more likely to keep it off. A safe and realistic goal to lose is 1/2 to 2 pounds per week. Aim for a weight loss of 10 to 15 pounds to start with. Reward yourself for meeting your first goal; such as new clothes to workout in, shoes. Even small weight changes can result in signficant health improvement. SMART Goals are; S=Specific, M=Measureable, A=Attainable and Accountable, R=Rewarded after meeting your goals, and Timed=Specific date and time frame for your goals.
2) Choose Healthy, Low Calorie Foods Fresh fruits, vegetables, salads and soups (low in fat) are low calorie foods that tend to fill us up before we get too many calories. Eat more of these foods and research shows that they help us naturally eat fewer calories.
3) Limit Refined and High Sugar/ Fat Snack Foods Reduce choices such as chips, cookies, soft drinks (pop/soda), pastry, donuts, candy and ice cream as these are all high in sugar and saturated and trans fatty acids (Fats that increase your risks for Heart disease, Diabetes and Cancer).
4) Limit Foods High in Saturated and Trans Fat such as Fried foods and those foods listed in #3 above. You may eat these, however reduce how frequent and how much you eat these foods....Your body will Thank YOU!!
5) Watch and Learn portion sizes and Reduce second helpings Many people could manage their weight if all they did was eat smaller portions and say NO to second helpings. Use smaller plates and bowls as this helps to limit how much you eat. Measure your food until you become more familiar with portion sizes. Check out the online "Portion Distortion--Powerpoint presentations" that you can access for FREE with a google search and increase your knowledge
6) Get Adequate Protein Eating protein and healthy fats (peanuts, mono and poly unsaturated fats in fish/ nuts (walnuts/ almonds/ cashews) as these have all been shown to help limit your appetite and reduce your risks of heart disease, improve your blood pressure and cholesterol, and also reduce diabetes and cancer risks.
7) Choose Whole Grain breads/ Rice/ Pasta and Cereals These foods are high in fiber and are good for filling you up, preventing excess weight gain, and improving your digetion of food and reducing risks for constipation.
8) Plan Ahead for Meals Plan your meals rather than just eating what is at hand when you get hungry. Make your mealtime a social, enjoyable time and Don't skip meals especially Breakfast. Skipping meals leads to excess weight gain by overeating when you get hungry and when you skip meals your body thinks your starving and holds onto fat that you have.
9) Limit Dining Out Fast food should be limited to improve the health of You and your family and significantly reduce your risks of Heart disease, Diabetes and Cancer. Fast foods are very high in calories, sugar, and saturated and trans fats.

Source: Eight Weeks to Wellness by Wellsource at www.wellsource.com Lifestyle Change Series