Mission: To Offer God My Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit)as a "Living Sacrifice"; A Temple That is Holy and Pleasing to God. Vision: To Transform, Equip, and Encourage the "Body of Christ" in Whole Person Wellness. We do this to Worship God with our Whole Self (Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength) becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World (Family,Workplace,Community, and World)!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Ten Lifestyle Goals for LIVING WELL and Losing Weight

The number one New Year’s Resolution across the United States each year is to “Lose Weight”. This month we will empower you, your business and family with healthy lifestyle goals to assist you in Meeting and exceeding your New Year’s Resolution’s in 2008 to “LOSE WEIGHT” and change your LIFE!!

1) Get adequate rest daily: People with the best health and longevity get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily. Taking time for daily relaxation and recreation is also helpful to the body and mind.
2) Get regular physical activity: At least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise five days per week or vigorous intensity exercise for at least 20 minutes three days each week. Depending on how overweight you are you may likely need to increase the time and/ or days per week of physical activity to meet your goals. Include strengthening exercises at least 2+ times each week to maintain a healthy lean body weight…increase this frequency if you need to lose weight. Work on your flexibility and total body range of motion daily.
3) Eat more plant based foods: Aim for at least 5 (up to 9 is recommended) servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Limit fatty meats (or trim excess off of your steak, pork chops), and high cholesterol foods. Good sources of plant proteins for your body are; peas, beans, nuts and soy foods. Eating 5+ servings (1 palm full) of nuts each week is one of the best health habits you can make for your heart and health in 2008!! Multiple large population long term research studies have found those who ate 5+ servings of nuts each week reduced their heart disease risks by 50-60%, and improved blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Let’s GO NUT’s in 2008!!
4) Eat more whole grain breads and cereals: Aim for at least 3 servings of whole grains daily such as; whole wheat breads and cereals, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and oatmeal. Limit your intake of highly refined products such as white bread, pastry (cookie/ donuts/ bars/ pie), white rice and high sugar cereals.
5) Choose healthy fats: Choose unhydrogenated vegetable oils and trans fat free margarine in place of animal and solid fats such as butter, hard stick margarine, and shortening. Eat at least 1 serving of nuts daily (1 oz of nuts or 2 tablespoons of peanut or almond butter). Eat foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids daily such as; walnuts, soy, flax meal, soy and canola oils.
6) Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight: A BMI less than 25 is ideal. A BMI of 25.1 to 29.9 is overweight/ moderate risk and 30 or above is high risk (obesity). Testing your body composition (muscle/ lean tissue vs fat) is an even better predictor for your bodies health than BMI. A waist measurement of less than 37 for men and less than 33 inches for women is Healthy for the reduction of heart disease risks factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes risk factors.
7) Be FREE of dependence on tobacco, illicit drugs, or alcohol: 85,000 people die prematurely every year due to alcohol and over 400,000 people die prematurely every year from smoking. Drug use can lead to dependencies that can destroy physical, mental, and spiritual health.
8) Maintain a Cheerful, Hopeful Outlook on LIFE: Choose to see the bright side of life. Be Happy!! Laugh a lot!! Pass on Joy, Hope and Encouragement to those you work and live with daily. HUG and tell those whom you LOVE daily!! Get help if you feel sad and depressed for extended periods of time.
9) Spend Quality Time with Family and Friends Daily: Supportive relationships build strong hearts and happy minds!! They also build and improve Customer Service in your company and family. Practice a spirit of friendship, love and acceptance for others. Share a random act of kindness with someone you live or work with daily and watch your spirit soar!!
10) Take time daily for Spiritual Renewal: Plan a quiet time each day to read, pray, meditate, and seek spiritual renewal. A heart primed with gratitude, forgiveness, and service helps you soar over life’s difficulties and challenges!!

Make a PLEDGE for 2008: It is ________________ (your full name here) heart’s desire today to take the time and hard work necessary to make my Health (Body, Mind and Spirit) a personal priority in my life so I can be the best Spouse, Father/ Mother to my children, Employee/ Leader/ Owner in the workplace, and Servant in my community. I will do this with the help of my creator and accountability partner who has signed this pledge below.

__________________________________Name (Signature)
Date _______________________

Ten Lifestyle Goals for Healthy Living by Wellsource Inc. 2003-5. www.wellsource.com
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2005: 81:409-15 Feb 2005

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

100 Day WELLness Challenge!!

Change Your Choices. Change Your LIFE.

WELLness Ministry Mission: “To Honor God Daily with my Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit) as a “Living Sacrifice”, a Temple that is Holy and Pleasing to God. We do this to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World.”

Lighten Up Sunnybrook 2008 will help families, LIFE groups, or individuals at Sunnybrook Community Church JUMP START healthy lifestyle habits to help adults and their children feel better, look better, and live longer, healthier lives to be more like JESUS and SERVE our family, friends and community!!

What is Lighten Up Sunnybrook? A FUN, team-based “100 Day Challenge” designed to promote the healthy lifestyle choices of daily physical activity and healthy eating habits. Sunnybrook Community Church will be taking part in Lighten up Iowa (LUI) which is a state wide program that started in 2002 by the Iowa Sports Foundation and is locally sponsored by the Iowa Health System (St Luke’s is the local affiliate hospital), HyVee, Iowa Dept of Public Health, ISU Extension and others.

Dates: Lighten Up Sunnybrook “100 Day WELLness Challenge” runs from Jan 16th to April 24th, 2008

Here's How To Get Involved in Lighten Up Sunnybrook:
1)--Put together a Team of 2-10 people (LIFE group members, families, friends, individuals)
2)--Select a Team Captain (Your team captain will register your team online at http://www.lightenupiowa.org by Jan 15, 2008 and MUST use the Group Registration Code “LUISUNNYBROOK” to be eligible for Sunnybrook incentives!!
3)--Attend a “Know Your Numbers” session at Sunnybrook Community Church’s gym to determine your; Weight, Body composition (muscle vs fat weight), blood pressure, and inches at your waist/ hip and thigh for females and chest/ waist and bicep for males, and take a digital photo to document your transformation. (This is NOT Mandatory to be involved in Lighten Up Sunnybrook, however is recommended)
--Date and Times for “Know Your Numbers” are Friday January 11th from 7 to 9pm and Saturday January 12th from 10am to 2pm.

--Your TEAM may compete in one or both divisions for this 100 day WELLness challenge;
1) Weight loss division that is based on the total % weight loss by the team. Honor weight is submitted and reported online weekly.

2) Minutes of Activity Division. Each team member records their weekly minutes of physical activity, that is outside of their normal work/ daily activities (such as exercise time, walking, etc.), and this number is recorded online.

Cost of Lighten Up Sunnybrook WELLness Challenge
--A Per person entry fee of $10 and a $10 per TEAM entry fee (2-10 people per team) for each team is required for the shipping and handling of Lighten Up Iowa TShirts, Processing of each team and Many other benefits noted below… (Make checks out to Sunnybrook Community Church and in memo line write “LUI WELLness Challenge”)
--These Per Person and Team Fee’s may be turned in at the Know Your Numbers dates noted above or to Meaghen the Secretary at Sunnybrook Community Church no later than Jan 16th, 2008.

--Lighten up Iowa T-Shirts for each team member which are sent to the Team Captain’s home address
--Personal tracking log for daily nutrition/ physical activity online at LUI website from your very own personal dashboard (Your team can also personalize your homepage with a photo of your TEAM)
--Receive a One year's FREE subscription to a health/ fitness magazine such as; Fitness magazine, Mens Journal, Heart-Healthy Living, Ladies Home Journal and others
--Chances to win monthly incentives and prizes from LUI (Sunnybrook Community Church will also set up their own internal incentives)
--Access to online health tools from Fitness Magazine such as; Personalized meal plans, customized workouts, video exercise demonstrations, community discussion board, music play list downloads, calorie charts
--Fitness and Nutrition Resources from Fitness Magazine
--Weekly emails from LUI containing tips about nutrition, fitness and healthy living
--A Leaderboard where you can see and track where your team ranks within Sunnybrook Community Church, Sioux City, Woodbury County and across Iowa during the Lighten Up Sunnybrook (Iowa) 100 day challenge
--NOTE: At Sunnybrook Community Church we will track how many teams and people that are involved in Lighten Up Sunnybrook to award internal incentives, and to have FUN challenging each other for improved health and living well!!

Erik Nieuwenhuis will be the Administrator and is able to track each team’s progress and individual participation (follow through) through receiving a “Group Registration CODE” “LUISUNNYBROOK” that all teams must use when their team captain register’s online.

Sunnybrook Community Church will award Incentive PRIZES during Lighten Up Sunnybrook at days 25, 50, 75 and at Day 100 will award Team grand prizes for the top team with the highest percentage of weight loss and the team that logs the highest number of physical activity minutes/ hours.

Two Grand Prizes will be $100 gift certificates to Olive Garden for an evening of FUN, fellowship and Celebration of your awesome TEAM and Individual WELLness accomplishments!!

For more information or to get your questions answered RE Lighten Up Sunnybrook contact; Erik Nieuwenhuis at 712-293-1625 or ErikNie@msn.com

Let’s Challenge Each Other to “Lighten Up SunnyBrook” and have FUN in the process of LIVING WELL to SERVE OTHERS in Jesus Name!!

Check out http://www.lightenupiowa.org/ and use the group registration code LUISUNNYBROOK to sign up your team, track your teams progress during this 100 day challenge and also check out http://3dwellness4life.blogspot.com/ for WELLness tips and winners every 25 days throughout this challenge!!

Pump and Praise ®
Winter Schedule.....January to March 2008

Pump and Praise® is a FUN, Functional and Encouraging, FREE Fitness Class that can be tweaked for ALL Ages 3 mornings a week in the Sunnybrook Community Church’s gym. Everyone is WELCOME!!

Mission: To offer God daily my whole self (body, mind and spirit) as a “living sacrifice,” a temple that is holy and pleasing to God. We do this daily to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the world!!

PUMP & PRAISE® winter schedule

Monday 5:30 a.m...Thursday 5:30 a.m..Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Jan 7th..........................10th...............................12th
28th..............................31st..............................Feb 2nd--No Class
Feb 4th.........................7th...............................9th
18th..............................21st.............................23rd--No Class
25th..............................28th............................March 1st
March 3rd...................6th...............................8th
March 31st

All sessions are 45 minutes. This class is FREE and Everyone is Welcome!!

Pump and Praise® is part of the Sunnybrook WELLness Ministry Visit our website at http://3dwellness4life.blogspot.com.

For more info.contact Erik Nieuwenhuis at 293-1625 or ErikNie@msn.com.