Mission: To Offer God My Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit)as a "Living Sacrifice"; A Temple That is Holy and Pleasing to God. Vision: To Transform, Equip, and Encourage the "Body of Christ" in Whole Person Wellness. We do this to Worship God with our Whole Self (Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength) becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World (Family,Workplace,Community, and World)!

Saturday, December 31, 2011


100 Day WELLness Challenge!!

 January 23 to May 1, 2012       Change Your Choices.  Change Your LIFE

If your 2012 goals and resolutions are to Lose weight, Build muscle and Tone your body, Improve your energy level, and Improve your Quality of LIFE, then this is the Team Based Wellness Challenge for YOU and Your Small Group.

Who Should Get Involved?  Live Healthy Sunnybrook/ Iowa 2012 will help LIFE groups (Sunnybrook small groups), families, or individuals within Sunnybrook Community Church JUMP START their healthy lifestyle habits to help you meet and stay accountable to your New Year’s Resolutions and Goals for 2012! 

To be successful it is important to daily ASK Jesus for direction, and self control in this transformational process of your Body, Mind, and Spirit!

New for 2012: For the first 100 people who register to take part in Live Healthy Sunnybrook (Iowa), you will receive an Eating and Exercise Tracker, to map out and track your habits of physical activity, nutrition, drinking water, moods, sleep, fruit and vegetable servings, that will help your weekly tracking online for the 100 day wellness challenge, Live Healthy Sunnybrook (Iowa)!

We will also be giving away randomly for those who sign up for Live Healthy Sunnybrook; 10 “Daily Dose of Health” Action Steps to Wellness personal pocket-size calendars for 2012, AND 5 full size Daily Dose of Health Calendars from the American Institute of Preventive Medicine, to help encourage and empower your bodies transformation in 2012!

WELLness Ministry Mission: “To Daily Honor God with my Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit) as a “Living Sacrifice”, a Temple that is Holy and Pleasing to God.  We do this to be the hands and feet of Jesus within my family, Sunnybrook Community Church, in my workplace, across Siouxland, and the World.” 

What is Live Healthy Sunnybrook (Iowa) (LHI)?  Live Healthy Iowa/ Sunnybrook is a FUN, team-based “100 Day Wellness Challenge” designed to promote the healthy lifestyle habits of daily physical activity and healthy eating habits.  LHI is a state wide program that started in 2002 by the Iowa Sports Foundation and is locally sponsored by the Iowa Health System (St. Luke’s is the local affiliate hospital), Hy-Vee, Iowa Dept of Public Health, ISU Extension and others.  LHI is also part of the state wide initiative to make Iowa the healthiest state.   

Live Healthy Iowa is giving away incentive prizes including gift cards, ipods, bikes, and a Carribean cruise for two to participants throughout the 100-day challenge who complete their weekly online weight and physical activity minutes updates each week throughout the 100 day wellness program.   

Sunnybrook Community Church at Day 100 will award Team and Individual incentive prizes for the top teams with the highest percentage of weight loss average and the team that logs the highest number of physical activity minutes/ hours average.  Teams must have between 5 to 10 people to be able to win the team incentive awards and each member of your team must be at least 13 years old.   

We will also award individual incentives to the top individual leaders (male and female) in the following 4 categories; 1) Male and Female with the Highest pounds of Body Fat Loss 2) Male and Female with the Highest number of Physical Activity Minutes 3) Male and Female with the most Muscle Gained (Past winners have all attended Pump and Praise at Sunnybrook) and 4) Male and Female with the most Inches of Body Fat Lost

NOTE: To win most muscle gained and most inches of body fat lost incentives you MUST attend the beginning and final “Know Your Numbers” sessions at Sunnybrook Community Church.   

In 2011, Sunnybrook Community Church had 55 people involved on 9 teams who lost 294 pounds with a percentage of body weight lost average of 3.42%, and total physical activity time of 4,199 hrs for 16,797 miles of physical activity. 

The Biggest Loser (Champion) at Sunnybrook Community Church for 2011 was           Bill Tulip losing 12.56% of his body weight!

The team champions for % weight loss were the Sioux City Slims led by Bill Tulip with a 5.80% weight loss average, and Team champions for Minutes of physical activity average was Flab-U-Less Seven led by Courtney Haverdink with 7,522 minutes or 125.4 hrs of physical activity average per team member!!

When:  Live Healthy Iowa/ Sunnybrook “100 Day WELLness Challenge” runs from January 23rd to May 1st, 2012

Here's How To Get Involved in Live Healthy Iowa/ Sunnybrook 2012:

* Pick up Live Healthy Sunnybrook handout, and Live Healthy Iowa brochure at the Information Desk at Sunnybrook!

1.  Put together a Team of 5-10 people from your Sunnybrook LIFE group (small group), family, or friends from Sunnybrook Community Church, or your neighborhood, or workplace.  You must be at least 13 years old to take part in this wellness challenge.   

2.  Select a Team Captain, and choose a team name, gather each team members valid e-mail address, and T-shirt sizes.

3.  Your team captain will register your team online at www.livehealthyiowa.org between Dec 20th, 2011 to Jan 22nd 2012 before midnight.  Live Healthy Iowa starts on Monday, January 23rd, 2012! 

Registration is only $20 per participant OR $15 with the Hy-Vee discount promotional code (see below LH2468).

Ø  NOTE:  Your team captain will pay online with a credit card for your teams cost, then they will get reimbursed from team members.

Use the Group ID of LHISUNNYBROOK when registering your team online, and

The Hy-Vee Code of LH2468 for a $5 discount when your team captain registers your team online.

Your team may compete in one or both divisions for this 100 day wellness challenge (see options below); 1) Weight Loss Division, and/ or 2) Minutes of Physical Activity Division or Compete in Both divisions. 

1) Weight Loss Division that is based on the total % weight loss average by the team.  Honor weight will be submitted and reported online weekly, (typically each Friday of the 100 day wellness challenge) at your personal dashboard that will be setup at www.livehealthyiowa.org with your personal username (email address) and password.    

2) Minutes of Physical Activity Division.  Each team member records their weekly minutes of physical activity and/ or exercise, that is outside of their normal work/ daily activities (such as exercise time, walking, scooping snow, work projects around the house, mowing your lawn, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, cleaning the house, etc.), and this number of physical activity minutes is also recorded online each Friday.

--Call or email Nicole Bruce at Live Healthy Iowa at 888-777-8881 ext. 118 or nicole@livehealthyiowa.org, or Traci Kepley ext. 111 traci@livehealthyiowa.org  for more information and to answer your questions. 

4.  (Last Step) Attend a “Know Your Numbers” session at Sunnybrook Community Church in Mother/ Baby area behind glass in back of Auditorium, or behind the Information Desk, on any of the following 3 dates;

  • Wednesday January 18th from 5 to 7pm (Mother/ Baby area of Auditorium) OR
  • Saturday Jan 21st  from 9am to 11am (Behind Info Desk), OR
  • Sunday Jan 22nd  between the services OR after 2nd service (Behind Info Center)
  • to determine your weight, blood pressure, body composition (fat vs muscle), BMI (body mass index) and inches (waist, and hips for females, and waist and chest for males).
For more information or to get your questions answered Regarding Live Healthy Iowa/ Sunnybrook contact; Erik Nieuwenhuis at 712-293-1625 or ErikNie@msn.com  or become Erik’s friend on facebook.    

Let’s Encourage and Challenge Each Other Daily to
“LIVE Healthy Sunnybrook” in 2012, and for LIFE!  

So that WE can be the hands and feet of Jesus across Siouxland, within our Family’s and Workplaces, and across the Sunnybrook Community Church Family, and the World!!

Pump and Praise Winter and Spring Schedule 2012

Pump and Praise ®

Winter and Spring Schedule 2012             January to May 2012

PUMP and Praise® is a Total Body FUN, Functional, Encouraging, and FREE Circuit Training class for all ages that can be tweaked to your current fitness level.  You have an encouragement partner (your wingman) at each class that will push you to “Do Your Best”!!  Each 3D functional circuit training class is between 30 stations during the week and up to 45 stations (or done in a large group format) on Saturdays to build cardiovascular fitness and endurance, muscular strength and power, flexibility, and improved balance and stability using various tools/ equipment from Dumbbells, Medicine balls, Kettlebells, Jump ropes, Training Ropes, Mini hurdles, JC Quad bands, Theraband, BOSU, PB Disc Pillows, Boxing gloves, Reebok Steps and more for you to progress your WELLness level, improve your quality of life, and LIVE each day with VITALITY!!

We meet 3 mornings a week in the Sunnybrook Community Church gym (4501 Sunnybrook Drive across from Target/ Lowe’s).  Everyone is WELCOME!!  Invite your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors.  Make the winter and spring of 2012 the start or continuation of your Transformation Journey for your Body, Mind and Spirit!!

Mission: To daily offer God your whole self (body, mind and spirit) as a “living sacrifice,” a temple (your body) that is holy and pleasing to God.  We do this daily to be the hands and feet of Jesus within your family, your workplace, the Siouxland Community, and the world!!

PUMP & PRAISE® Winter and spring schedule 2012

Tuesday 5:30 a.m.   Thursday 5:30 a.m.   Saturday 8:00 a.m.

Jan 3                                Jan 5                                                       Jan 7

Jan 10                              Jan 12                                                     Jan 14

Jan 17                             Jan 19                                                     Jan 21

Jan 24                              Jan 26                                                     Jan 28

Jan 31                               Feb 2                                                       Feb 4

Feb 7                                Feb 9                                                       Feb 11

Feb 14                             Feb 16                                                     Feb 18

Feb 21                                 Feb 23                                              Feb 25

Feb 28                                March 1                                             March 3

March 6                               March 8                                           March 10

March 13                             March 15                                        March 17

March 20                            March 22                                          March 24

March 27                              March 29                                    March 31

April 3                                     April 5                                 April 7 – No Class

April 10                                    April 12                                  April 14

April 17                                   April 19                                   April 21

April 24                                   April 26                                   April 28

May 1                                        May 3                                     May 5

May 8                                      May 10                                      May 12   

All sessions are 45 minutes. This class is FREE, and Everyone is Welcome!!  We hope to see and your family, friends, and co-workers in 2012!!

Pump and Praise® is part of the Sunnybrook WELLness Ministry --Visit our Wellness Ministry Blog at http://3dwellness4life.blogspot.com or the You may also ask to Friend, Erik Nieuwenhuis, on Facebook for any changes in schedule.
For more info contact Erik Nieuwenhuis at 293-1625 or ErikNie@msn.com.