Mission: To Offer God My Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit)as a "Living Sacrifice"; A Temple That is Holy and Pleasing to God. Vision: To Transform, Equip, and Encourage the "Body of Christ" in Whole Person Wellness. We do this to Worship God with our Whole Self (Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength) becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World (Family,Workplace,Community, and World)!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ed Young Ministries Weekly Devotional
Trading Spaces - The Reveal by Ed Young
When people see God's redemptive show unfold in your life and mine, what do they do? As they walk through our "house," the rooms of our relationships, emotions, and actions, do they react with "oohs and awes" or tears and sobs.
We've got to understand the biblical importance of the house. In the Old Testament God was in the house. He dwelt in the tabernacle and in the Temple. In the New Testament he was out of the house as God revealed himself through the person of Christ. And now the Bible says we, as Christ-followers, are the house, the dwelling place for the Holy Spirit of God.
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own" (1 Cor. 6:19). Since we are the house, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of God, our life is all about revealing the décor of the Designer.
The question is, What do others see as your life is revealed? As people tour your life, they are yearning to see what the Designer has done. When people tour homes, they get ideas. When people tour your life and mine, what kind of ideas do they pick up about marriage, child-rearing, priorities, honesty, or generosity.
If you are a Christ-follower, God wants to design a model home out of your life. So don't conceal God's design...reveal it, because the ultimate goal in life is to simply reveal the glory of the Designer.
For more information about this and other subjects, visit the Ed Young Ministries website: http://www.edyoung.org/
(c) 2005 Ed Young Ministries

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pump and Praise ®
Fall Schedule September to December 2007

Pump and Praise® is a FUN, Functional and Encouraging, FREE Fitness Class that can be tweaked for ALL Ages 3 mornings a week in the Sunnybrook Community Church’s gym. (Across from Target and Lowe's) Everyone is WELCOME!!

Mission: To offer God my Whole self (body, mind and spirit) as a “living sacrifice,” a temple that is holy and pleasing to God. We do this daily to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the world!!

PUMP & PRAISE® Fall schedule

Monday 5:30 a.m....Thursday 5:30 a.m.....Saturday 8:00 a.m.
..............................................................................................Sept 1
Sept 3-No Class....................Sept 6....................................Sept 8
Sept 10..................................Sept 13..................................Sept 15
Sept 17...................................Sept 20...................Sept 22-No Class
Sept 24-No Class..................Sept 27..................................Sept 29
Oct 1........................................Oct 4.....................................Oct 6
Oct 8.......................................Oct 11...................................Oct 13
Oct 15.....................................Oct 18...................................Oct 20
Oct 22.....................................Oct 25..................................Oct 27
Oct 29.....................................Nov 1....................................Nov 3
Nov 5......................................Nov 8....................................Nov 10
Nov 12....................................Nov 15..................................Nov 17
Nov 19.............................Nov 22- No Class.......Nov 24- No Class
Nov 26....................................Nov 29.................................Dec 1
Dec 3......................................Dec 6.....................................Dec 8
Dec 10....................................Dec 13....................................Dec 15
Dec 17.....................................Dec 20---Last Class of 2007

All sessions are 45 minutes. This class is FREE and Everyone is Welcome!!

Pump and Praise® is part of the Sunnybrook WELLness Ministry
Visit our website (Blog) at http://3dwellness4life.blogspot.com/. For pump and praise schedule, and WELLness Tips for Your Family, Workplace, and Your LIFE!

For more info.contact Erik Nieuwenhuis at 293-1625 or ErikNie@msn.com.

5 Choices to Eat for Energy and LIFE:
These choices will give you more daily energy, improve your immune system, prevent or better manage your diabetes/ heart disease/ or cancer....

1. Think Crunchy and High Fiber: Include crunchy, high fiber foods with every meal to help slow digestion and keep your blood sugar stable. Good high fiber options include; Nuts, seeds, whole grain breads and cereals, oatmeal, apples, berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), pears, broccoli, artichokes, brussels sprouts, and turnip greens.

2. Think WHOLE Foods: Go for foods made with whole grains instead of refined flours. If refined or enriched flour is one of the the top four ingredients, (reduce how often you choose these or skip it). Look for whole grain breads and pastas, brown rice, and bran, whole-oat, or whole wheat cereals.

3. Think FRESH: For both meals and snacks, reach for fresh, whole foods instead of processed foods (cookies, many crackers, donuts, cake, etc). Fresh/ whole foods are from the garden such as Fruits and vegetables, Nuts, seeds, and Whole grains, oats, and soy.

4. Think COLOR: Fill your grocery cart with a variety of brightly colored produce such as apples, tomatoes, spinach, romaine lettuce, green and purple grapes, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, oranges, carrots, celery, bananas, beans, peas, green/ red/ and yellow peppers, peaches, cucumber, squash, the list goes on. Tip: Don't forget to check out the local farmers market in Sioux City or in your area for wonderful fresh produce for your physical bodies health and vitality!!

5. Think SMALL: Be aware of portion sizes. Blood glucose is most quickly affected by the carbohydrates that you eat, so eat small portions of carbohydrate rich fruits, beans, grains, dairy products, and vegetables throughout your day. You can also slow the release of your blood sugar rise by eating healthy protein and fat choices with your carbohydrates at your meals or snacks such as; Nuts (walnut/ almond/ pistachio), sunflower seeds, cheese, chicken, turkey, steak, brats, polish sausage, or lean meats.

Source: Real Age Tip of the Day Thur Aug 9th "Living well with diabetes" Healthy Lifestyle Tips. www.realage.com

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Martin Collis PhD WELLness Prescription from his website www.speakwell.com and WELL Newsletter

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Faith and Fitness

"Diet and Exercise for a Better World"

by Tom P. Hafer Augsburg Fortress Minn, MN 2007

Real Food from Chapter 2: Food

"So Whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the Glory of God." 1 Corinth 10:31

Results from a 25 year old study of the longest living people in the world suggests that diet (nutrition), exercise (being physically active), faith practices, and personal relationships are the reasons for their longevity. These people live in Okinawa Japan and have the lowest occurence of heart disease in the world, 1/5th of the United States.

The occurance of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer is significantly lower than that of the US too. There are six times as many 100 year old people per capita than there is in America. The worlds longesy disability free life expectancy are also in Okinawa.

The people in Okinawa have strong sense of community, with high levels of social contact. Prayers are often about health. Health and longevity are celebrated and the elderly are respected and considered wise. There are extremely low levels of negative emotions and depression.

Their diet/ nutrition choices consist of;

1) Vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) 34%

2) Whole grains 32%

3) Lean proteins (fish) 11%

4) Soy 12%

5) Fruit 6%

6) Meat/ Eggs/ Poultry/ Seaweed 5%

---Almost 70% of their daily choices are Vegetables and Whole grains for the healthiest humans in the world!!

WHOLE Foods from God's Creation == LIFE :)

Monday, August 06, 2007

Choose WELLness
"For every hour of physical activity (exercise) you choose to complete, YOU add 2 hours to your life" American Heart Association--Source

Wow, Is that ever a Blessed DEAL or What!! Movement and staying active = LIFE:)