Mission: To Offer God My Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit)as a "Living Sacrifice"; A Temple That is Holy and Pleasing to God. Vision: To Transform, Equip, and Encourage the "Body of Christ" in Whole Person Wellness. We do this to Worship God with our Whole Self (Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength) becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World (Family,Workplace,Community, and World)!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Choosing Healthy Carbohydrates---Week 4
--Make the most of your Carbohydrate Choices by Choosing "Living Foods" and You'll significantly reduce your Risks of Heart disease, Diabetes and Cancer...Not to mention You'll receive More Energy, Live Longer, Lose Weight and Have more FUN in your daily life!!

--Make Breakfast A Meal YOU and Your Family Never Skip....It is KEY for your body and brain to make it through the day safe and it is also key for you to lose weight and burn body fat (If you skip breakfast...you'll really struggle to lose weight)

1) Eat MORE Fruits and Vegetables...Choose between 5 to 9 servings each day
--They are high in Fiber, low in calories, high in vitamins and minerals, anti-oxidants, and cancer fighting phyto-chemicals
--Many large scale research studies have found that those who eat 5 to 9 servings/ day receive a protective effect and have significantly reduced risks for high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
--People in Okinawa, Japan have 32% of their diet from Fruits and Vegetables and they have the healthiest people in the world and the most people alive over 100 years old. People from Okinawa also eat approx 3o% of their choices from Whole Grains:)

2) Whole Grains....Choose at least 3+ servings of these daily or half of your bread/ grains from whole grains
--Look for these key words on food labels; 100% wheat, whole wheat, whole corn, whole oats, brown rice, whole wheat rice, whole grain/ wheat pasta, and breads (Sara Lee, and Healthy Choice breads are two that have excellent variety's of Whole Wheat bread...look for 3 to 5 grams of fiber per serving or slice of bread :)
--Fiber in Whole wheat helps to slow the rise of your blood sugar and slow the release of insulin (reducing your risks of gaining weight and especially fat weight) into your bloodstream reducing your bodies want to store fat and will give you more and prolonged energy throughout your daily work and play!!

3) Beans/ Legumes/ Nuts and Seeds also have good Carb's, healthy fats and are high in Fiber...To help your body stay full, Burn Fat, and Assist you in loosing weight!!

4) Limit High Glycemic Index Foods "Dead Carbo's" each Day such as;
--Pop/ soda, white bread, french fries, white rice, pastry, donuts, cookies, candybars, specialty coffees loaded with extra sugar and fats (watch out here)

Source: Eight Weeks to Wellness (TM) Lifestyle Change Series by WellSource

Choosing Healthy Fats--Week 3
1) Choose Monounsaturated Fats which are Heart healthy and help to prevent heart disease
--Examples are; Olive oil (Extra virgin is best), Canola, peanut, and safflower oil
--People who live in Greece, Italy have significantly less heart disease than Americans as they Choose to use primarily monounsaturated fats

2) Omega 3 Fatty Acids...by adding 1 to 2 grams of this healthy fat daily you may lower your risks of fatal heart attack by 50% or more
--Examples are; Flaxseed Oil 1 Tablespoon (T) = 6.9 grams/ serving
Flax meal (ground) 1 T= 2.5 grams/ serving
Walnuts (1 oz)= 1.9 grams/ serving
Canola Oil 1 T= 1.3 grams/ serving
Soy Oil 1 T= 1.0 grams/ serving
Salmon 3 oz=1.1 grams/ serving

3) Work to Limit Your Daily Food Choices High in Saturated and Trans Fats (Partially Hydrogenated Oils) which are found in;
---Examples Saturated Fats in American Choices are; Cheese, Beef, Milk (Whole, and 2%), Ice Cream/ Frozen yogury/ Sherbert, Butter, Shortening and Animal Fats, Mayo, Margarine, Sausage, Potato chips, Fried Foods (ALL)
--Examples of Trans Fats to Avoid (Limit) and raise your risks for Heart disease/ Cancer and Diabetes are; Cakes, cookies, crackers, pies, white bread (made with shortening), margarine, Fried Foods (All especially french fries), Potato chips, corn chips, many types of popcorn (read the labels here), many cereals and candy marketed to children (Source: Dietary Guidelines Advisory Report, 2005)

Source: Eight Weeks to Wellness Lifestyle Change Series by Wellsource

Monday, February 12, 2007

Let's GO "NUTS" about Your Health
"NUTS are a Healthy Fat to Reduce your risks of Heart disease, and Cancer!!"

Eating nuts can reduce your risk of coronary heart disease.
--In a study of 31,208 people, those who ate nuts 1 to 4 times per week had a 25% reduced risk of coronary heart disease compared to those who seldom ate nuts. Those who ate nuts 5 or more times weekly had a 50% decreased risk of heart disease.
--In a study of African Americans, frequent consumers of nuts had a 44% lower mortality rate than those persons who ate nuts infrequently.
--The Nurses’ Health Study looked at nut intake in 86,016 women. After adjusting for other risk factors for heart disease, women who ate nuts five or more times weekly had a 39% lower risk of dying from heart disease compared to women who ate nuts less than once per month.
--In the Iowa Women’s Health Study, women with the highest nut intake had 60% the risk of coronary heart disease of women who seldom or never ate nuts.
--Clinical research has demonstrated that nuts can lower blood cholesterol (LDL) levels by 8% to 16% while preserving protective HDL levels. Almonds, pecans, peanuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios and walnuts have all been shown to help lower LDL cholesterol levels. Research participants did not have a corresponding weight increase in spite of the increased nut consumption.

Nuts help prevent diabetes.
--People who regularly eat nuts have less diabetes—29% less in the Nurses’ Health Study.
--Nut butters, such as peanut or almond butter, can also help reduce the risk of diabetes.

Nuts are high in nutrients.
-Nuts are good sources of antioxidants such as vitamin E, flavonoids, and tocotrienols, which help keep LDL cholesterol in the blood from oxidizing and depositing in the arteries.
-Nuts are high in fiber, which helps keep the intestine and heart healthy.
-Nuts are high in folic acid, which helps prevent both cancer and heart disease.
-Walnuts are very high in omega 3 fatty acids, which help protect the heart.
-Nuts are cholesterol free and high in mono and unsaturated fats that protect heart health.
-If nuts are used in place of meat, cheese, and other high-fat foods in the diet, they have not been shown to cause an increase in body weight.

Tips on how to include more nuts in your daily eating habits!
-Add nuts to cookies and baked goods.
-Sprinkle nuts on top of casseroles and sautéed or stir fried vegetables.
-Add nuts, along with chopped dried fruit, to grains for breakfast cereal or a pilaf.
-Sprinkle nuts on top of applesauce and fruit salads.
-Use nut butters (almond butter or peanut butter) in place of margarine.
-Include nuts, especially walnuts or pecans, in spinach salad with sliced strawberries or other fruit and a sweet dressing for a special salad.
-Try to eat a serving (1 oz.) of nuts daily for best health. One ounce equals a palmful (remember that nuts are higher in calories, so limit them based on your weight goals)
-Toast nuts to bring out their flavor. To toast nuts, put them in a single layer on a cookie sheet and bake for about 5 minutes at 300–350 degrees. Stir once or twice to prevent burning.

Source: Loma Linda University Nutrition and Health Letter, August 2004.
Summarized by: Don Hall, DrPH, CHES, Wellsource, Inc.

"Making Healthy Choices Newsletter" at www.wellsource.com

Friday, February 09, 2007

16 BOSU "Balance Trainer" for Sale

David Weck is the creater of BOSU and states that "Balance is the Foundation of all movements and is the foundation for which all other performance components are built; This tool will allow you a new way to exercise that is functional, dynamic, truly rewarding and FUN!!

It will allow you to improve your function and prevent injury for sports, work, and play."

The only thing that is certain in Life is Change. Nothing is static...on the athletic field, in the office or workplace, in school, at home; your ability to improvise and adjust to the ever changing set of given circumstances has an enourmous impact on your degree of personal fulfillment.

Contact Info to Purchase Your BOSU "Balance Trainer is;
Joyce Ohl
Home Phone: 712-255-7730
Cell Phone: 712-251-7524
Cost is $60 each......Regular price was $120 each (Savings of $60)

We use this tool at "Pump and Praise" also 3 days each week at Sunnybrook Community Church...Come and check it out!!

WATER’s Benefits For a Healthy Body:
By Erik Nieuwenhuis WELLness Ministry Leader “8 Weeks to WELLness”

Your Body is about 70% water……Your muscles are 75% water…..Your brain cells are 85% water…..Your blood is approximately 82% water and even your bones are 25% water. Water is the single most important nutrient for our bodies health. It is involved in every function of our body. You can live 5 to 7 weeks without food, but the average adult can last no more than 5 days without water.

Health Benefits of Drinking Water Daily….
Ø Water suppresses your appetite and burns body fat
Ø Water lubricates your joints, thus reducing joint pain, arthritis and symptoms of lower back/ knee/ shoulder or any other pain
Ø Water gives you more energy!!
Ø Water improves your immune system reducing your chances of getting sick, or developing diseases
Ø Water reduces the risks of heart attack or stroke by preventing the clogging of arteries
Ø Water improves your brain function, and improves your concentration and attention span
Ø Water affects our appearance, making our skin smoother and reduces the effects of aging
Ø Water improves your bodies digestion; Reducing risks of constipation
Ø Water speeds the healing rate of your body after a hard days work or an injury

Work to increase how much filtered and/ or bottled water you drink each day; Either drink 6 to 8 (8 oz) glasses of water each day or better yet take your bodies weight and divide this number by 2 and this equals the amount of ounces you should drink of water each day. Slowly work up to this number and watch your bodies health improve!!

The 7 Pillars of Health by Don Colbert MD 2007 published by Siloam.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Love Your HEART
February is Heart Health and Cancer Prevention Months
• “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
By Thomas A Edison

Did you Wear RED on Friday Feb 2nd for National Heart Disease Prevention Awareness Day our Nations #1 Killer of both Women and Men??

Do you know that……

• Almost 170 million Americans don’t get enough healthy physical activity.
• That’s enough people—joined hand-to-hand—to circle the earth almost 8 times!
At least 900,000 deaths annually are due to Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices such as; Tobacco use, Poor nutrition choices, and living a Sedentary lifestyle.
Unhealthy lifestyle CHOICES is the primary contributor to the six leading causes of death in the USA Today; Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, respiratory diseases, and accidents which account for collectively 70% of all deaths.

Not being active damages your heart and other major organs—cutting your life short.
• More than 2,600 Americans die each day of heart disease—1 death every 33 seconds!
• Heart disease is America’s #1 Killer of both Men and Women

• People with healthier lifestyles live an average of 6-9 years longer and postpone disability by 9 yrs and compress disability into fewer years at the end of life.

This month will be to give you, your workplace, family, and community tips from the latest research on making WISE daily lifestyle choices to prevent or to better manage your heart disease and/ or cancer risks for LIFE!!

Tips 4 Heart Health and Cancer Prevention:

1) Physical Activity/ Exercise--30 or more minutes on 5 to 7 days each week--Attend Pump and Praise at Sunnybrook Community Church 3x/ week, Walking, Taking the stairs at work, Strength Training, Cardiovascular exercises, Flexibility and Balance, Housework, ETC...
--Regular Moderate Physical Activity (at least 30 min/ day) Reduces your risks of heart disease and cancer by 40 to 50%.
2) Eat a Healthy Breakfast Everyday (As Your Momma Said!)--Eat a high fiber cereal with fresh fruit and skim/ soy milk, yogurt, whole wheat toast with peanut butter, eggs (hard boiled or scrambled), oatmeal (with cinnamon and fresh fruit—I like blueberries and raspberries), french toast with fresh berries instead of syrup, fresh fruit, cottage cheese are some of my favorites, enjoy your favorite cup of coffee (joe) and drink water
3) Eat 1-2 servings (a palmful) of Nuts each day (5 or more servings each week)---some of the best are Walnuts, Almonds and Cashews
--Those who ate nuts (5 or more times each week) reduced their risks of heart disease by 39 to 60 % documented in various studies. Nuts have also been shown to lower blood pressure and LDL/ Triglycerides while improving your good cholesterol HDL.
4) Eat 5 to 9 servings of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables --Cut these up and have them available each day for an easy snack at work or at home
-- Research has shown that eating 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day can lower your risks of most types of cancer and heart disease by 50%!!
5) Sleep 7 to 9 hrs each night.....Don't forget to REST each day
-- Not getting between 7 to 9 hrs of sleep on the average increases your risks for obesity (increased BMI), heart disease, diabetes, and elevated risk of mortality (death).
6) Balance your LIFE and Build/ Maintain strong Relationships (Community at Workplace/ LIFE Groups at Sunnybrook Community Church or Your Local Church/ Family) for your Emotional Health and Stress level.
--In a recent large international heart study, persons with high stress levels at work or home had higher rates of heart disease.
7) Take time for Spiritual Reflection each day such as Prayer, Reading the Bible, Meditation, Read another Spiritual Book
--Reduces your risks of heart disease and cancer while significantly improving your management of these diseases.
8) Give and Share LOVE with your Family, Friends, Co-Workers, and those you come into contact with each day!! Be Optimistic and have a positive outlook on life!---Random Acts of Kindness, Hugs, Handshake, Smile, I Love YOU, and Words of Encouragement
--Research indicates that being optimistic and serving others results in reduced cardiovascular disease risks by 55% and allows those with this disease to cope and manage the disease better.
9) Drink 6 to 8 (8 oz glasses--1 serving) glasses of water each day!! Your body, heart, mind, soul, and energy level with ALL Thank YOU!!
--You lose weight, burn body fat, improve your immune system, receive more energy, and have reduced joint and musculoskeletal pain.
10) Work to Reduce the Saturated Fat and Trans Fat (Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable oils) that you eat....Limit Fried Foods and Sweets that you eat each week
--This is KEY to Prevent and Reduce your risks of Heart Disease and CancerYOUR Body is Worth the Effort!!

1) Building Heart Health by Carol Ann Marlow, MPH, MS and Don Hall DrPH, CHES Wellsource Inc, 2006. From Website www.wellsource.com
2) American Cancer Society (ACS) Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention Table 1, Feb 2, 2007.
3) Year of Good Health, Healthy Resolutions 2007 Calendar, Feb 2007 by Personal Best Publications and Oakstone Publishing, 2006.
4) Causes of Cancer in the World by Danaei G, Vaner Hoom SK, Lopez A, et al. in Lancet 2005;366:1784-1793, Nov 19, 2005.
5) The 30 Minutes Fitness Solution by JoAnn Manson and Patricia Amend.
6) A Few Facts About Nuts by Don Hall DrPH, CHES, Wellsource, Inc.
7) Sleep duration and Health in Making Healthy Choices Newsletter Feb, 2007 at www.wellsource.com
8) Optimism promotes Health Wellsource Newsletter based on the research from Archives of Internal Medicine Feb 27, 2006.