Mission: To Offer God My Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit)as a "Living Sacrifice"; A Temple That is Holy and Pleasing to God. Vision: To Transform, Equip, and Encourage the "Body of Christ" in Whole Person Wellness. We do this to Worship God with our Whole Self (Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength) becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World (Family,Workplace,Community, and World)!

Monday, May 28, 2007

PUMP & PRAISE Summer Schedule
FUN!!, Functional and Encouraging, Fitness Class that can be tweaked for ALL Ages

Monday 5:30 a.m..Thursday 5:30 a.m..Saturday 8:00 a.m.
.....................................................................................June 2
June 4.............................June 7................................June 9*
June 11..........................June 14.............................. June 16
June 18--no class......June 21--no class.................June 23*
June 25........................June 28................................June 30
July 2...........................July 5....................................July 7*
July 9..........................July 12.................................. July 14
July 16--no class....... July 19--no class................ July 21*
July 23........................ July 26................................ July 28
July 30.......................August 2............................... August 4*
August 6....................August 9...................August 11--no class
August 13................. August 16............................. August 18*
August 20................August 23.............................. August 25
August 27................August 30

All sessions are 45 minutes. This class is FREE, and Everyone is Welcome :)

Childcare will be provided during Saturday sessions indicated by an asterisk (*).

This is GREAT for couples and families who wish to LEAD by example being physically active for LIFE and building their TEMPLE (Body) for God's Glory!!

If you will be bringing children, please contact Jenilyn Nieuwenhuis at 293-1625 by the Friday before.

Pump and Praise is part of the Sunnybrook WELLness Ministry Visit our website at http://3dwellness4life.blogspot.com.

For more info. contact Erik Nieuwenhuis at 293-1625 or ErikNie@msn.com.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

RiseFest Schedule Check this out Family FUN!!

RiseFest June 23, 2007 in Orange City

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

PUMP and PRAISE at Sunnybrook...Check it OUT This Summer!!

-Build Strength and Strong Bones -FUN :) -Be Encouraged!!
-Improve Total Body Flexibility -Improve Balance and Coordination
-Reduce Your Risks of Injury -Reduce Risks of Heart Disease
-More ENERGY for your Daily LIFE!! --Reduce Diabetes, Cancer Risks
-Learn Knowledge to Make Wise Choices Daily
--Be a ROLE Model for Your Family in Healthy Lifestyle Choices
--Improve your Function in Sports and Reduce Your Injury Risks
--Improve Your Daily LIFE in 3D (Body, Mind and Spirit)!!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Top 10 Vegetables for the Immune System
Taken from The Food Doctor...Healing foods for mind and body by Vicki Edgson and Ian Marber by Collins and Brown 1999.
When you have an infection, make sure that you eat lots of raw and lightly steamed vegetables, because they help the immune system to fight pathogens. The vegetables below are ideal, as they contain high levels of antioxidants to help combat damage by free radicals. In addition, they have strong antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties, as well as being natural antibiotics.

The Top 10 are;
1) Asparagus
2) Broccoli
3) Carrots
4) Cauliflower
5) Garlic
6) Mushrooms
7) Brussel Sprouts
8) Red Onions
9) Peppers (Green/ Yellow/ Red)
10) Squash

To ensure that you also get adequate carbohydrate and protein, plan meals that include lentils, wholegrain breads and brown rice and pastas, which are also good sources of minerals to boost the immune system.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

A Healthy Look at Yourself
by Branda Polk at www.lifeway.com

When is the last time that you compared yourself to someone else? Women and Men are notorious for comparing ourselves to each other and determining in our minds that we are better than some but not as bad as others in many areas of our lives. We rate and gauge the worth of our looks, families, homes, financial situations, possessions, jobs and knowledge based on what others have. This is a faulty comparison system that we tend to continue in our own minds even if we never say it out loud. When you compare yourself to others on a continual basis your mental wellness starts to suffer.

Here are four steps to begin to break the cycle of comparison:

1. Realize and appreciate your uniqueness.
There is no one else exactly like you. Each person is created by God with different gifts, talents, abilities, and each of us have different personality styles, and life experiences that make us the person we are!! You are very individual and created exactly the way God intended you to be. Nothing about you in a mistake. When you compare yourself to others you are essentially saying that God was wrong for making you this way.

2. Realize that everyone is made from the same pattern.
Gen 1:26, "Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness." While you are unique in your make up, every person is made in the image of God and that gives us a special bond as humans that we do not find with any other of God's creations.

3. Focus your thouhts on bigger things.
Phil 4:8, "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable..if anything is excellent of praisworthy---think about such things."
Keep your eyes Focused on Jesus!!

4. Be the very best you can be.
Be as well as YOU can be not as well as you think someone wants you to be or as well as someone else is. Seek to find what is healthiest and best for you and follow that path.

As you walk the wellness path, avoid comparing your pace and progress with others. Rely on God (the power of the Holy Spirit) to lead and direct you. Wellness is achieved one wise choice at a time for life. Choose to stop comparing yourself to others.