Mission: To Offer God My Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit)as a "Living Sacrifice"; A Temple That is Holy and Pleasing to God. Vision: To Transform, Equip, and Encourage the "Body of Christ" in Whole Person Wellness. We do this to Worship God with our Whole Self (Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength) becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World (Family,Workplace,Community, and World)!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

100 Day WELLness Challenge Results!!
January 20---April 29, 2011

Change Your Choices. Change Your LIFE

For 100 days, 55 people formed 9 teams and took part in “Live Healthy Sunnybrook”, a 100 day wellness challenge to promote and encourage the healthy lifestyle habits of increasing daily physical activity, healthy nutrition, and weight loss. Sunnybrook participants lost 294 pounds for a weight loss percentage average of 3.42 %.

They logged 4,199 hours and 25 minutes of physical activity for a total of 16,797 miles. The American Discovery Trail winds 5,048 miles across the United States from Delaware to California and the Sunnybrook participants walked on this trail 3.33 times. Outstanding job and wonderful transformations “one choice at a time”, and one day at a time for this 100 day wellness challenge!

Participants made changes to their everyday lifestyle habits such as; Eating a healthy breakfast daily, started drinking 40+ ounces of water or more each day, Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables working towards 3 to 5 or more servings/ day, reduced or stopped drinking soda/ pop/ as much coffee, Reduced unhealthy snacking between meals, Reduced eating “fried fast foods”, Increased daily physical activity by attending PUMP and Praise at Sunnybrook or at 4 Seasons/ YMCA or Home. They discovered how gradual and small changes in their lifestyle habits can make a HUGE impact on your health, daily energy level, and quality of LIFE!!

Keep up the GREAT work and don’t forget to “tell your story” of Why your health is important to you, to your family, co-workers, neighbors, and those you meet each day? Educate, inspire, and encourage others on your lifestyle habit success to inspire others to improve their health, vitality, and quality of life!!

Sunnybrook Teams competing in 2011:
1) Flab-U-Less Seven Team Captain- Courtney Haverdink
2) Sioux City Slims Team Captain- Bill Tulip
3) Temples in Transformation Team Captain- Erik Nieuwenhuis
4) Team Awesome Team Captain- Tiffany Bligh
5) Lost and Found Team Captain- Sue Wolcott
6) The Fantastic Five Team Captain- Angela Uher
7) Chicks Having Fun Team Captain- Janet Coon
8) Something Unexpected Team Captain- Tracy Swearingen
9) Soar with Eagles Team Captain- Laura Steenhagen

Total Pounds LOST = 294 pounds
Percentage of Body Weight Lost Average = 3.42%
Total Physical Activity Time = 4,199 hours (466 hrs and 36 min—Team Average)
16,797 miles of physical activity completed and logged online

Team Champions for % of Weight Loss Average:
Top Team will receive a $100 gift certificate to restaurant, store, fun event of their choice OR Cause to donate to—Congratulations for all of your hard work!!
1) Sioux City Slims led by Bill Tulip 5.80 was Winning Team
2) Temples in Transformation led by Erik Nieuwenhuis 3.68
3) Lost and Found led by Sue Wolcott 3.43
4) Team Awesome led by Tiffany Bligh 3.11
5) Flab-U-Less Seven 3.04

Team Champions for Physical Activity Minutes/ Hours average per person

on the team
Top Team will receive a $100 gift certificate to restaurant, store, fun event of their choice OR Cause to donate to—Congratulations for all of your hard work!!
1) Flab-U-Less Seven led by Courtney Haverdink 7,522 Min/ 125.4 Hours
2) Temples in Transformation led by Erik Nieuwenhuis 6,611 Min/ 110.2 Hours
3) Team Awesome led by Tiffany Bligh 6,215 Min/ 103.6 Hours
4) The Fantastic Five led by Angela Uher 4,749 Min/ 79.2 Hours
5) Chicks Having Fun led by Janet Coon 4,336 Min/ 72.3 Hours

Individual WELLness Champions (Male and Female):
Top Winners (male and female) in each category will receive a $25 gift certificate to restaurant, store, fun event of their choice OR Cause to donate to—Congratulations for all of your hard work!!

The Biggest Loser (Champion) at Sunnybrook Community Church for 2011 was Bill Tulip losing 12.56% of his body weight!!

1) Pounds of Fat Lost
Men Women
1) Bill Tulip 17.7 pounds 1) Amber Kramer 11.1 pounds
2) Chad Eisenga 17.5 pounds 2) Kristie Van Wyk 8.2 pounds
3) Chuck Smoley 17.4 pounds 3) Tiffany Bligh 6.5 pounds

2) Pounds of Muscle Gained (PUMP and Praiser’s!)
Men Women
1) Erik Nieuwenhuis 5.2 pounds 1) Angela Uher 4.4 pounds
2) Mike Nelson 1.8 pounds 2) Michelle Eyer 4.1 pounds
Check out Summer Schedule at the Information Center, online or at Pump and Praise!

3) Most Inches of Body Fat Lost
Men Women
1) Chad Eisenga 12 inches (8 waist) 1) Tiffany Bligh 7.25 inches (5.25 waist)
2) Bill Tulip 10 inches (7 waist) 2) Amber Kramer 6.1 inches (4.1 waist)
3) Jim Wolcott 7 inches (4.5 waist) 3) Carrie Larson 5.5 inches (2.5 waist)

4) Most Physical Activity Time (Hrs and Minutes)
Men Women
1) Eddie Lofland 328 hrs 10 min 1) Sarah Nelson 304 hrs
2) Mike Nelson 253 hrs 2) Cherie Broll 165 hrs 50 min
3) Erik Nieuwenhuis 209 hrs 45 min 3) Jenilyn Nieuwenhuis 118 hrs 30 min

WELLness Ministry Mission: “To Daily Honor God with my Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit) as a “Living Sacrifice”, a Temple that is Holy and Pleasing to God.

We do this to be the hands and feet of Jesus within my family, workplace, within Sunnybrook Community Church and the Body of Christ, across Siouxland, and the World.”
Romans 12:1-2, 1 Corinth 3:16-17

Check out the Sunnybrook Community Church’s WELLness Ministry blog at www.3dwellness4life.blogspot.com or join the
Facebook Group: at 3dWellness4Life
Or become Erik Nieuwenhuis’s friend on Facebook


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