Mission: To Offer God My Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit)as a "Living Sacrifice"; A Temple That is Holy and Pleasing to God. Vision: To Transform, Equip, and Encourage the "Body of Christ" in Whole Person Wellness. We do this to Worship God with our Whole Self (Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength) becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World (Family,Workplace,Community, and World)!

Monday, December 22, 2008

100 Day WELLness Challenge!!
January 14---April 23, 2009 Change Your Choices. Change Your LIFE

WELLness Ministry Mission: “To Daily Honor God with my Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit) as a “Living Sacrifice”, a Temple that is Holy and Pleasing to God. We do this to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the World.”

SUNNYBROOK Community Church will take part in this “100 Day WELLness Challenge” for our WELLness Challenge in Jan 2009.

Live Healthy Iowa 2009 will help LIFE groups, families, or individuals at Sunnybrook Community Church JUMP START their healthy lifestyle habits to help them meet their new years resolutions to lose weight, improve their energy level and quality of LIFE, by improving their daily choices of healthy nutrition and increased physical activity. This will help adults of all ages and their children to feel better, look better, and live longer, healthier lives.

What is Live Healthy Iowa “Sunnybrook” (LHI)? A FUN, team-based “100 Day WELLness Challenge” designed to promote the healthy lifestyle habits of daily physical activity and healthy eating habits. LHI is a state wide program that started in 2002 by the Iowa Sports Foundation and is locally sponsored by the Iowa Health System (St Luke’s is the local affiliate hospital), Hy Vee, Iowa Dept of Public Health, ISU Extension and others.

When: Live Healthy Iowa (Sunnybrook) “100 Day WELLness Challenge” runs from Jan 14th to April 23rd, 2009

Here's How To Get Involved in Live Healthy Iowa “Sunnybrook”:
--Put together a Team of 5-10 people from your LIFE group, family, or friends from Sunnybrook Community Church or your neighborhood/ workplace/ etc
--Select a Team Captain (Your team captain will register your team online at www.livehealthyiowa.org between Dec 19th to Jan 13th, 2009 and MUST use the Group Registration Code “LHISUNNYBROOK”)

--Attend a “Know Your Numbers” session on either Saturday Jan 10th, or Sunday Jan 11th to determine your weight, blood pressure, body composition (fat vs muscle) and inches (waist, hips, thighs, chest and bicep) (see handout for additional info RE Know your Numbers)

--Your team may compete in one or both divisions for this 100 day wellness challenge;

1) Weight Loss Division that is based on the total % weight loss average by the team. Honor weight will be submitted and reported online weekly, (typically each Friday of the 100 day wellness challenge) at your personal dashboard that will be setup at www.livehealthyiowa.org

2) Minutes of Physical Activity Division. Each team member records their weekly minutes of physical activity (exercise), that is outside of their normal work/ daily activities (such as exercise time, walking, scooping snow, work projects around the house, mowing your lawn, etc.), and this number is also recorded online each friday.

--Call or email Traci Kepley and/ or Nicole Bruce for more information and to answer your questions (see their contact info at the end of this article).

What is included with my $18 entry fee for LHI “Sunnybrook WELLness Challenge”??

Live Healthy Iowa has partnered with HyVee Food Stores to provide Iowans with health information, healthy foods, and an $8 discount per team member when you purchase $15 of Live Healthy America participating products at HyVee. Some examples are; Dasani water, Dannon yogurt, Kashi crackers, and Natural choice lunch meat. Visit your local HyVee food store starting January 1st, 2009 to get your Team coupon discount for Live Healthy Iowa (only 1 needed per team). Your team captain will use a discount code from this coupon when they register online. Your team captain will turn this coupon in with your team money to Erik Nieuwenhuis.

Make any checks out to “Live Healthy Iowa” and in memo line write Sunnybrook Community Church

--Live Healthy Iowa T-Shirts for each team member which are sent to the Team Captain’s home address starting Feb 1st, 2009
--Personal tracking log for nutrition/ physical activity online at LHI website from your very own personal dashboard
--You will receive a One year's FREE subscription to a health/ fitness magazine such as; Fitness magazine, Men’s Journal, Heart-Healthy Living, Ladies Home Journal, Parents, Motor Trend and others
--Chances to win individual and team incentive prizes from LHI and Sunnybrook Community Church
--Access to online health tools from Fitness Magazine such as; Personalized meal plans, customized workouts, video exercise demonstrations, community discussion board, music play list downloads, calorie charts
--Fitness and Nutrition Resources from Fitness Magazine
--Weekly physical activity, nutrition and recipe tips via e-mail
--Team Leaderboard where you can follow and track where your team ranks within Sunnybrook Community Church, Sioux City, Woodbury County and across Iowa during the LHI 100 day challenge

Sunnybrook Community Church at Day 100 will award Team and Individual incentive prizes for the top team with the highest percentage of weight loss average and the team that logs the highest number of physical activity minutes/ hours average. Teams must have between 5 to 10 people to be able to win the team incentive awards.

We will also award individual incentives to the top individual leader in the following categories; 1) Male and Female with the Highest percentage of weight loss 2) Male and Female with the Highest number of physical activity minutes 3) Male and Female with the most muscle gained 4) Male and Female with the most inches of fat lost. NOTE: To win most muscle gained and most inches of fat lost incentives you MUST attend the beginning and final “Know Your Numbers” sessions at Sunnybrook.

For more information or to get your questions answered RE Live Healthy Iowa contact;
Erik Nieuwenhuis at 712-293-1625 or ErikNie@msn.com or at LHI contact

Traci Kepley Live Healthy Coordinator 1-888-777-8881 ext. 111 traci@livehealthyamerica.org or

Nicole Bruce Health Initiatives Coordinator 1-888-777-8881 ext. 118 nicole@livehealthyamerica.org

Let’s Encourage and Challenge Each Other to “LIVE Healthy SunnyBrook” in 2009, and for LIFE! So that WE can be the hands and feet of Jesus across Siouxland, and to the World!!

Winter Schedule 2009 at Sunnybrook Community Church

PUMP and Praise® is a Total Body WELLness (Body, Mind and Spirit) Functional, FUN and Encouraging Circuit Training class for all ages that can be Tweaked to your current fitness level. You have an encouragement partner at each class that will push you to “Do Your Best”!! Each 3D Functional circuit training class is between 30 stations during the week and up to 45 stations on Saturdays using various tools/ equipment from Dumbbells, Medicine balls, Kettlebells, Jump ropes, Mini hurdles, JC Quad bands, Theraband, BOSU, PB Disc Pillows, Boxing gloves, Reebok Steps and more for you to progress your WELLness level and LIVE each day with vitality!!

PUMP and Praise® is scheduled every week Tuesday & Thursday at 5:30am and Every Saturday at 8am in the Sunnybrook Community Church Gym at 5601 Sunnybrook Drive across from Target and Lowe’s.

This class has NO CHARGE. We Hope to See you and your family and friends at PUMP and Praise®

Mission: To Offer God my Whole Self (Body, Mind and Spirit) as a “Living Sacrifice”; A Temple that is Holy and Pleasing to God. We do this to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the Body of Christ, My Family, Across Siouxland, and the World!!
......... JAN 6......................JAN 8.................JAN 10- No Class
.........JAN 13.....................JAN 15................JAN 17
.........JAN 20.....................JAN 22.................JAN 24
.........JAN 27......................JAN 29.................JAN 31
.........FEB 3..........................FEB 5...................FEB 7
........FEB 10........................FEB 12.............FEB 14- No Class
.........FEB 17........................FEB 19................FEB 21
........FEB 24........................FEB 26.............FEB 28- No Class
.......MARCH 3...................MARCH 5..........MARCH 7
.......MARCH 10...............MARCH 12........MARCH 14- No Class
.......MARCH 17................MARCH 19........MARCH 21
.......MARCH 24................MARCH 26.......MARCH 28
.......MARCH 31...................APRIL 2.............APRIL 4

Check out the Sunnybrook Wellness Ministry Website at;
http://3dwellness4life@blogspot.com and
3dwellness4life Group on Facebook
for Total Body WELLness Tips, articles, functional exercise videos, links to websites, PUMP and Praise schedule and info regarding cancelled classes and Humor for LIFE!!

“You should know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. So you do not belong to yourselves, because you were bought by God for a price. So honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 NCV

“So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives (body) as a living sacrifice to Him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to Him, which is your spiritual way for you to worship. Do not change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to Him and what if perfect. Romans 12:1-2 NCV

Sunday, December 07, 2008

WorkSmart Stretching Plan by Erik Nieuwenhuis MS, PT "The WorkSmart and Get Fit Guy"

Benefits of Daily WorkSmart Stretching (Flexibility) are;
1) Increased energy level and reduced fatigue
2) Reduced osteoarthritis pain (the #1 cause of disability worldwide), as stretching lubricates your joints
3) Reduce your bodies daily stress....Now that's working smart!!
4) Improve your ability and efficiency with your daily work, play and improved sleep (rest)!!
5) Improved Quality of LIFE :) !!

CHOOSE LIFE -- Prevent and Manage Diabetes

By Erik Nieuwenhuis MS, PT St Luke’s Regional Medical Center 712-279-1842 Nieuween@stlukes.org

Are you at risk for diabetes? Did you know that 23.6 million people or 7.8% of the United States population has diabetes? 17.9 million people have diagnosed diabetes (with 90 to 95% being type II, and the rest being type I, or gestational diabetes), and 5.7 million have undiagnosed diabetes. November is national diabetes month, so this month we’ll focus on the lifestyle risk factors to prevent and manage diabetes or that increase your risks for diabetes.

Diabetes is an illness that causes the body’s sugar levels in your blood to be high. Another word for blood sugar is glucose. Most of what you eat is changed into glucose during digestion. All of the cells in your body (especially your brain and muscles) need glucose to give you energy! The best forms of glucose for your brain and muscles are whole grains, fruits and vegetables as these foods balance blood sugar levels and break down slower in your body to give you balanced energy. Your body makes a hormone called insulin. Insulin works to keep your blood glucose in the normal range by helping it move from your blood into your cells. When you have diabetes; your body does not make insulin (type I diabetes, I have type I or juvenile diabetes and was diagnosed in my senior year of high school), it does not make enough insulin (type II diabetes), or the insulin your body makes does not work right to break down the sugars (glucose) in your body for energy (type II diabetes). Type II diabetes is associated with older age, obesity (especially abdominal obesity or increased waist size), family history of diabetes, history of gestational diabetes, impaired glucose metabolism, physical inactivity, and race/ ethnicity.

Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or Prediabetes is on an epidemic rise in the United States today, with the rise of Americans being overweight and obese. In 2007, there was an estimated 57 million adults, aged 20 and over, that had impaired fasting glucose (high morning blood sugar >100 mg/dl). That is approximately 25.9 percent of the United States population aged 20 and over. What is really scary is that for those children born in the year 2000 or later, that they will have a 33% (1 in 3) chance of developing type II diabetes during their lifetime living in America (because of our poor lifestyle habits of most Americans today).

The uplifting news in today’s information age of the 21st century is that approx 90% of type II diabetes is preventable by losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight (and body composition), increasing your physical activity, and choosing healthy nutrition throughout your lifetime. The Diabetes Prevention Program, a large prevention study of people at high risk for diabetes showed that lifestyle intervention reduced developing diabetes by 58% over 3 years. The reduction was even greater, 71%, among adults aged 60 years or older. Research from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention has found that healthy lifestyle interventions are more cost-effective than medications.

Following are LIFESTYLE Habits that are research based to Prevent diabetes or improve your management of diabetes, and improve your quality of LIFE!!

1) Keep your weight in a healthy range or having a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is less than 25, between 18.5 and 24.9. For every point your BMI increases above 25, your future risks of diabetes increases by 6%. Thus, on a positive note for every point you reduce your BMI your future risk of developing diabetes is reduced by 6%!! Obese women (BMI >30) were 10.6 times more likely to develop diabetes than healthy weight women. Obese men (BMI >30) were 4.2 times more likely to develop diabetes than healthy weight men. Waist circumference and risks of developing type II diabetes; Men’s healthy waist size is less than 37 inches with 32 inches being ideal. From 35 to 39 inches the risk increases from 1.2 to 1.6 times the diabetes risk and increases to 3.4 times more likely to develop diabetes with waist size for men greater than 40 inches. For women a healthy waist size is less than 33 inches and the ideal size is 29 inches. From a waist size increase from 30 to 35 the diabetes risk increases to 3.2 to 4 times the risk and above 36 inches for women you have almost an 11 times the risk of developing type II diabetes.

2) Get regular physical activity and aim for 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity daily. People who exercise regularly have improved insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels all day long. This will give you the following benefits; increased energy level all day long, improved self esteem (mental and emotional health) and ability to be productive at work and with family and friends. Improved ability for your children to focus in school and obey their parents/ teachers. Exercise acts similar to insulin to keep your blood sugar levels lower and with less peaks/ valleys. The nurses health study showed that exerciser’s who walked briskly for 3 hours or more per week cut their risks of getting diabetes in half (reduced by 50%) compared to those who didn’t exercise regularly.

3) Don’t Smoke or If you smoke…Stop! Smokers in this study were 37% more likely to develop diabetes than nonsmokers. Now that is another great reason to quit!!

4) Keep your blood pressure is a healthy range (less than 120/80). For every 5 points your systolic blood pressure increases (top number) over 120/80, your risks of developing diabetes is 2% higher. If you already have high blood pressure; 140-159/ 90-99 your risk of developing diabetes is increased by 51%.

5) Keep your good blood cholesterol (HDL) level in a healthy range > 45 mg/dl for men and >55 mg/dl for women. For every 5 point increase in HDL your risk of developing type II diabetes is reduced by 10%. Lifestyle factors shown to increase HDL levels is; getting regular aerobic exercise, losing excess body fat, not smoking, eating healthy fats (people who regularly eat nuts 5 to 7 servings/ week reduce diabetes risks by 29%) and avoiding trans fats, red wine, and eating berries daily.

6) Eat 5 to 6 or more servings of Fruits and Vegetables each day reduced your risks of developing diabetes by 74%!!

7) Engage in Strength/ Resistance Training exercises at least 2-3 times each week, especially as you age to maintain good health, stronger muscles and bones (prevent fractures and osteoporosis), and maintain independent living.
Eating adequate protein is also important, especially soon after exercising for building stronger, healthier muscles. Two key principles for maintaining muscle strength are; 1) Muscles must be challenged and do more work than is regularly required. Doing a strength exercise to near fatigue gives maximum stimulus to the muscle to grow stronger, even in adults in their 70’s-80’s. 2) Supply the muscles with adequate protein needed to build stronger muscles. Muscles are maximally stimulated to uptake protein and rebuild muscles immediately after your strength training exercises are completed. 2 glasses of milk or soymilk (18 grams of protein) immediately after your workout raised amino acid levels in the blood to stimulate muscle building and growth.

8) Drink at least 40 or more ounces of water daily, working up towards half of your body weight in ounces.

9) Make sure to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours each day for proper rest and recovery.

10) Make sure to spend quality time with family and friends daily, maintain a positive attitude and outlook on life, and keep a time for daily spiritual reflection and renewal and watch your spirit and LIFE soar, and diabetes disappear or be managed for LIFE!!

Wellsource “Making Healthy Choices” Newsletter Issue 48: Oct 1, 2008 articles; What should your blood sugar level be?, Fruits and vegetables decrease your risks of getting diabetes, maintaining weight loss, and Building muscle.
Center of Disease Control and Prevention National Diabetes Fact Sheet 2007 from http://www.cdc.gov/.
Wellsource “Making Healthy Choices” Newsletter Issue 39: Feb, 2007 article; Body fat measures and risk of type II diabetes.
Preventive Ways to Monitor your Fitness and Health Level by Erik Nieuwenhuis MS, PT St Luke’s Center for Preventive Medicine Health Coach 279-1842.