Mission: To Offer God My Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit)as a "Living Sacrifice"; A Temple That is Holy and Pleasing to God. Vision: To Transform, Equip, and Encourage the "Body of Christ" in Whole Person Wellness. We do this to Worship God with our Whole Self (Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength) becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World (Family,Workplace,Community, and World)!

Friday, April 13, 2007

8 Weeks to Wellness Challenge CHAMPIONS at Sunnybrook
--From Jan 29th, 2007 to March 25th, 2007
--Know Your Numbers Results—94 people measured in Jan 25-27th and 37 were Re-measured March 29-31, 2007 (39% completed the follow up measurements)

Goals of the Wellness Challenge:
Ø To prevent and/ or improve the management of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and musculoskeletal injuries and pain
Ø To lose weight (fat), build muscle and improve energy levels
Ø To improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels (lower LDL, triglycerides, and raise HDL)
Ø To improve self esteem
Ø To enjoy everyday life

1 Corinth 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore, Honor God with your body.”

WELLness Ministry Mission: To offer God my Whole Self (Body, Mind and Spirit) as a “Living Sacrifice”, a Temple that is Holy and Pleasing to God. We do this to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World.

LIFE Group Champions: “Glenda Nieuwkoop’s Group” for 2nd Straight Year!!
· Glenda Nieuwkoop
· Bev Arnold
· De Henning
· Bonnie Grigg
· Peggy Girard
· 13 pounds lost, 4.4 pounds of muscle gained, 13 pounds of fat lost, 10 inches lost at the waist and thigh, 15 points improved with blood pressure and 3,542 points for “Daily Temple Inspection/ Personal Wellness Log”

Married Award Champions:
Ø First Place: Dwight and Sara Freiberg
Ø 12 pounds lost, 1 pound of muscle gained, 11.7 pounds of fat lost, 9 inches lost, 10 pts improved with blood pressure, and 2,226 Daily Temple Inspection/ Personal Wellness Log points!! Awesome.

Ø Second Place: Karl and Laurie Van Cura
Ø 5 pounds lost, 8.5 pounds of muscle gained (Outstanding!!), 12.5 pounds of fat lost, 5 inches lost, 18 points improved with blood pressure, and 1,917 Daily Temple Inspection/ Personal Wellness Log points

Family Award:
· Mark and JoAnn Roos
· Christian Roos
· Conner Roos
· Colby Roos
14 pounds lost overall, 4.9 pounds of muscle gained by Conner and Colby Roos (YEAH!!), 15 pounds of fat lost, 18.75 inches lost from the waist/ chest and thigh (WOW..Great JobJ), 16 points improved in family blood pressure of JoAnn from Stage 1 high blood pressure to normal (AWESOME).

These improvements are AWESOME Roos Family and significantly reduce the risks of heart disease/ diabetes/ cancer longer term, while improving self esteem and energy level daily for each day....AWESOME JOB!!

Individual Sunnybrook WELLness (8 Wks to Wellness) Champions:

1. Weight Loss

1. Justin Skaff- 13 lbs......................................1. Brenda Sale- 17 lbs
2. Eddie Lofland & Don Van Dyke- 10 lbs....2. Anita Milner- 8 lbs
3. Dwight Freiberg- 9..................................3. Mary Lee & Jerri McWilliams- 6 lbs

2. Muscle Gained (For every pound of muscle gained your body’s metabolism increases by burning an extra 75 to 150 calories each day)

1. Karl Van Cura- 8 lbs..............................1. Andrea Martinez- 3.6 lbs
2. Colby Roos- 3.5 lbs (5 yrs old!!)...........2. Peggy Girard- 2.2 lbs
3. Nate Neely & Tony Anderson- 3 lbs....3. Bonnie Grigg- 1.2 lbs

3. Fat Lost


1. Justin Skaff- 10.1 lbs....................................1. Brenda Sale- 12.8 lbs
2. Eddie Lofland- 8.8 lbs...................................2. Jerri McWilliams- 6.1 lbs
3. Don Van Dyke & Dwight Freiberg- 7.7 lbs..3. Laurie Van Cura- 5.5 lbs

4. Inches Lost


1. Dwight Freiberg- 6.75 inches........1. Anita Milner- 6.5 inches
2. Mark Roos- 6.5 inches...................2. Brenda Sale- 5 inches
3. Justin Skaff- 6.25 inches...............3. JoAnn Roos- 3.25 inches

5. Blood Pressure Improved

1. Justin Skaff- 32 points!!...........1. Andrea Martinez- 32 pts !
2. Nate Neely- 22 pts....................2. Laurie Van Cura- 18 pts
3. Don Van Dyke- 10 pts..............3. JoAnn Roos- 16 pts

6. Daily Temple Inspection/ Personal Wellness Log

1. Dwight Freiberg- 1,139 pts.......1. Sara Freiberg- 1,087 pts
2. Erik Nieuwenhuis- 1,056..........2. Glenda Nieuwkoop- 1,004
3. Karl Van Cura- 951....................3. Laurie Van Cura- 966

LIFE Lessons Learned from “8 Weeks to Wellness”
Success Stories/ Lessons Learned/ and Struggles from Participants……

· It really changed the way I eat and I started to attend Pump and Praise
· Exercise makes me feel better
· Staying with an Exercise program
· I enjoyed the weekly lessons I learned throughout the book
· I’m not good at tracking my daily lifestyle habits
· I purchased an elliptical, however struggled using it
· It’s hard to compete against my husband
· Water is better than soda/ pop or coffee
· I enjoyed reading the weekly sessions and the information was stimulating
· You can do anything for 15 minutes like exerciseJ
· Working to Build a Healthy Heart Habit for LIFE
· Exercise is a good lifestyle change….Just do it…it will pay off!!
· It’s tough to do this alone…you must find and build support and have accountability
· Having handouts to share with others to encourage them towards weight loss I really enjoyed!
· Spending time daily to read God’s word
· It’s not just about the weight, Feeling better is important
· Paying attention to portions and eating healthy instead of being perfect…Progress not Perfection is the key!!
· I learned to use the knowledge that I had known, along with learning additional healthy habits into ACTION to daily improve my lifestyle habits!!
· Tracking daily activities helped to stay focused on goals
· Don’t just change your diet, Change Your Lifestyle….
· I relearned that my health is not just for my benefit, but for those in my family such as spouse/ children/ co-workers/ family and friends….I am a role model in all that I do for Jesus
· The Key was Self Discipline. Making myself choose the right things “healthier choices”!!

WELLness is Achieved One WISE Choice at a Time for LIFE!!
----Your ALL CHAMPIONS in JESUS EYES....Keep up your GREAT JOB with those TEMPLE Transformations :)

Stay Tuned for Large Group WELLness Education coming to Sunnybrook and also Monthy Wellness Challenges!!

The WELLness Ministry at Sunnybrook TEAM

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Why Portion Size Matters--
by Human Performance Institute Orlando, FL Energyforperformance.com

Overeating can do more harm to engagement than you may realize. Much attention is given to the physical consequences of overeating such as; Excess body fat storage, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart disease/ diabetes and cancer. While these long term consequences are very important, real, and can be life threatening, there are also serious, immediate consequences that overeating causes to our energy levels, engagement, and performance.

Your body has to work hard to store excess food, so your energy levels crash immediately following a large meal. This decrease in energy has many effects on your body, which can be broken down into physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual effects;

Physical: Tired, sluggish, headaches, feelings of anxiety, less likely to exercise, trouble sleeping, reduced engagement with family, friends and co-workers.

Emotional: Guilty, frustrated, impatient, apathetic, irritable, poor self esteem and confidence, connect less with family.

Mental: Reduced ability to concentrate and stay alert, less creative, less productive and efficient.

Spiritual: Poor role model for family or direct reports, not living up to your values or vision, losing respect for yourself, feeling greedy, loss of control of actions.

Tip: The easiest way to keep portion sizes within a healthy range is to eat more mindfully using one or more of the following strategies:
--Slow Down--Put your fork down between bites
--Drink more water---Drinking water helps with satiety (feeling full) and pacing
--Engage in conversation with family, friends, co-workers, others....Eating is not a race:)
--Limit distractions such as eating in front of the TV, Movies or Computer (Eating in front of these has been proven in studies to be a key cause of excess weight gain, especially since most of the foods eaten tend to be processed foods with high sugar and fat (trans fat and saturated fats)
--Start with smaller portions--Put part of your meal from a restraunt in a To Go box and eat the next day for lunch or that evening for supper....Two meals for the price of one (Dutch treat:)
--Don't graze on bread, chips, or other candy/ sweets/ treats/ that you leave around the house or at work. This is a Primary cause of unwanted pounds of fat around your mid-section which leads to chronic diseases of heart disease/ diabetes and cancer.

Most important is to "ASK God" to lead and help deliever you from your addictions such as from;
---excess sweets/ high fat fo0d/ too large portions/ snacking late at night/ eating fast food/ drinking too much pop (soda)/ alcohol/ drugs/ etc.... __________ (Fill in this blank for YOU:)

Also have an Accountability partner or LIFE group to assist in keeping you accountable and reaching your goals for your health so YOU can be a Blessing to Others!!

In Jesus Precious and Powerful Name

Erik Newy

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Faith and Fitness: Diet and Exercise for a Better World
by Tom P Hafer

"We have found the fountain of youth: It's Exercise!!" The body is a miracle; it can heal and strengthen with a disciplined exercise program that addresses aging problems and fitness. Adhering closely to exercise and proper nutrition will increase the chances for an individual to remain disability free until the end of life.

The majority of the body's decline is due not to the passing of years, but to the combined efforts of inactivity, poor nutrition, and illness, much of which can be prevented and controlled. Regardless of age or present physical condition the aging process can be slowed and often times even reversed.

Page 95 of his book....I highly recommend this inspiring book about Wellness, Life and taking care of our Temples "Body" for His Glory and so we can fulfill our Lives Purpose in which we have been called!!

Your Brother in Christ
