What: “8 Weeks to Wellness”
is the Sunnybrook Community Church Wellness Challenge for 2007
When: Monday Jan 29th to Sunday March 25th, 2007
Who: For Individuals and/or LIFE groups of All ages
Why: To offer God my Whole Self (Body, Mind and Spirit) as a Living Sacrifice; a Temple that is Holy and Pleasing to God.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV) “Do you not know that your body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.”
Ø To prevent and/ or improve your management of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and musculoskeletal injuries and pain
Ø To lose weight (fat), Build muscle and Improve your Energy level
Ø To improve your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol levels (lower your LDL, Triglycerides, and raise HDL)
Ø To improve your Self Esteem and see yourself as God sees you…A Child a God
Ø To Truly Enjoy Your Everyday LIFE and Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World!!
1) Sign yourself and/ or your LIFE group up on the following dates in the Sunnybrook Coffee House (before/ after the 3 services)
· Sunday Jan 14th
· Sunday Jan 21st
2) Purchase your copy of “8 Weeks to Wellness” for $4 each which is this years Daily Temple Inspection to achieve points daily for your Healthy Lifestyle Habits
3) Attend one of the “Know Your Numbers” sessions in the Sunnybrook Community Church gym; Thursday Jan 25th from 7 to 9pm and/ or Saturday Jan 27th from 10am to Noon to find your; (You earn points for pounds lost, fat lost, muscle gained, inches lost, and blood pressure reduced).
---Weight and Height
---Body Composition (Your bodies Muscle vs Fat %’s)
---Blood Pressure
---Inches (Men- waist and chest) (Women- waist and thigh)
---Digital photo (front and side views) –To see your 8 week transformationJ
4) Attend Weekly LIFE group meetings (or may be done by individual study) for the 8 weeks where you will be encouraged to discuss and follow the Healthy Lifestyle Habits in the “8 weeks to wellness” book. Encourage each other, have members keep you accountable to your weak spots, lift each other up in prayer!!
Attend Pump and Praise and earn points for daily Physical Activity/ Exercise up to 3 days each week (or you can exercise by yourself, with LIFE group members, etc..)!!
5) Attend a Final Session of “Know Your Numbers” in the Sunnybrook gym to determine your additional points from your bodies transformation noted above;
· Thursday March 29th from 7 to 9pm
· Saturday March 31st from 10am to Noon
6) The Individual and LIFE Group Team winners and prizes (TBD) will be announced on Sunday April 8th, 2007 at the 3 services at Sunnybrook Community Church
7) Points are awarded by;
Ø---Daily Temple Inspection “Daily points available from the manual “8 weeks to wellness” and
Ø---Your Bodies Transformation points determined from the Know Your Numbers sessions; Weight lost, fat lost, inches lost, blood pressure reduced, and muscle gained over the 8 weeks!!
PRAY for the Holy Spirit to Lead you Daily in Making Wise Choices in Regards to Your Whole Self (Body, Mind and Spirit)!