Mission: To Offer God My Whole Self (Body, Mind, and Spirit)as a "Living Sacrifice"; A Temple That is Holy and Pleasing to God. Vision: To Transform, Equip, and Encourage the "Body of Christ" in Whole Person Wellness. We do this to Worship God with our Whole Self (Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength) becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the World (Family,Workplace,Community, and World)!

Monday, May 10, 2010

LIFE is a WELLness Journey
“Health Benefits of Choosing to be Physically Active”

By Erik Nieuwenhuis MS, PT St. Luke’s Regional Medical Center
WorkSmart Injury Prevention Specialist, Wellness Consultant and Health Coach
Nieuween@stlukes.org 712-279-1842

If you’re regularly physically active, and you’re older, your body acts like you are 20 years younger. One of the most important questions that you need to discover for yourself in life is; “Why is your health and wellness important to you?”

The wellness journey of life is a “step by step” process that will have times of triumph, success, struggles, injury or disease, lessons learned, temptations, and always an opportunity to persevere, be resilient and “never give up”!

Studies show that it takes up to 30 days of consistent activity to develop both good and bad lifestyle habits. Many of you reading this now have been doing this since January 1st with the start of your new lifestyle and wellness habits/ goals for 2010, OR by taking part in Live Healthy Iowa/ America that started on January 14th and will be ending on April 23rd.

These habits may have included things such as; Adding more physical activity/ exercise into your lifestyle (daily routine), Losing weight, Building strong relationships with others, developing healthy eating habits , challenging your mind with new ideas, removing any unhealthy thought patterns, strengthening your emotional well being, and focusing on having a life of daily prayer and reading God’s word.

You can start a new healthy habit today by simply choosing to take the first step! This month, I want to focus on the many and wonderful health benefits of choosing to add 30 or more minutes per day of physical activity.

Life is a WELLness journey, not a destination. Change is a process, not an event. Wellness is achieved one wise choice at a time for LIFE.

Below are many of the healthy benefits of being more physically active or daily exercise. I challenge you this month to review this list and write out 1 to 3 benefits for your Whole Self (Body, Mind and Spirit). Then I challenge you to daily remind yourself of these healthy benefits of daily physical activity/ exercise and write them on a notecard that you will see each day before you leave for work, to take care of your family, or your daily routine and watch your health SOAR through the storms of life!!

Benefits of Daily Physical Activity/ Moving your Body/ and Exercise

Ø Decreases your risk of heart disease by improving the flow of blood through your body
Ø Lowers and prevents high blood pressure
Ø Builds stronger bones, and joints thus reducing your risks for fractures and/ or osteoporosis
Ø Builds muscle strength, and improves your POSTURE reducing the chances of having pain or an injury
Ø Best method to Lose Weight, OR Maintain your weight for Life
Ø Boosts energy level and increases your endurance (reduces daily fatigue)
Ø Releases tension in tight muscles (Reduces stress in your upper back/ neck and shoulders) and improves your ability to deal with stressful situations in life (improved resiliency)
Ø Improves sleep quality
Ø Improves range of motion in joints and reduces risks of lower back pain
Ø Reduces your resting heart rate so your heart pumps blood and oxygen more efficiently in your body
Ø Utilizes stored fat for energy (You’ll lose inches, weight, and body fat!
Ø Reduces total body fat while increasing lean muscle tissue (Lifting weights or taking part in physical activities or active jobs)
Ø Increases the use of glucose (lowers blood sugar levels) and decreases the risk of type II diabetes, not to mention significantly improves diabetes management. My life is a living testimony of this fact that you will get significantly better blood sugar control, as I have for my juvenile diabetes with exercise daily, choosing healthy balanced foods, and with my Medtronic mini med insulin pump.
Ø Improves digestion and reduces the amount of calories stored as fat
Ø Increases oxygen to the brain to keep you alert, increases clarity of thought, and decreases mental fatigue
Ø Increases good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood while lowering the bad cholesterol in the blood (LDL, and Triglycerides)
Ø Reduces your risks of certain lifestyle cancers such as Colon cancer
Ø Improves your breathing by expanding the lungs to take in more oxygen with each breath
Ø Decreases and significantly slows down the natural effects of aging such as loss of balance, loss of muscle mass, loss of strength, loss of flexibility and loss of energy
Ø Improves circulation to your skin and restores a youthful glow
Ø Combats the effects of joint disorders such as arthritis
Ø Offers an opportunity for you to socialize with other people
Ø Builds confidence in your ability to achieve goals
Ø Builds time management skills and disciplined habits for LIFE
Ø Offers opportunities for families to be together
Ø Sets a good example (You’re a role model) for your children, co-workers, and those you lead across the Siouxland Community (or your home community) to follow as they age
Ø Helps older people remain independent longer with their activities of daily living
Ø Improves decision making skills
Ø Improves your ability to participate in service or ministry opportunities in your church, workplace, or community
Ø Gives you an opportunity to talk to God as you exercise
Ø Improves your attitude and how you feel about yourself (improved self esteem), and fights depression

I frequently recite the verse from Jeremiah 29:11 for encouragement while I exercise which reads; “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, plans to give you a hope and future, not to harm you.”

I pray and wish you all the best in being resilient through the storms of life, by increasing your daily physical activity to reach your goals and dreams at work, home and play!