Pump and Praise (revised) Schedule
July - August 2007
Three mornings a week in the Sunnybrook Community Church’s Gym (across from Lowes and Target) Saturday 8am classes have been cancelled for the remainder of the summer to enjoy vacations, time with family and friends!! We'll restart Saturday 8am classes in Sept (for the fall)
Pump and Praise is a total-body workout that will get your heart, lungs and muscles pumping and praising! You’ll build strength, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, balance and coordination – all while having fun! During 45-minute sessions, we’ll do warm up and cool down, workout in stations with a partner, and learn total body wellness tips.
Praise music is played throughout the session, informing you how long you stay at each station (45 seconds). You have 15 seconds between the start of the next station to teach the team behind you how to do the station you just finished and then you are taught how to do the next station. Get ready to wake up every muscle in your body to glorify God.
Mission: To offer God my whole self (body, mind and spirit) as a “living sacrifice,” a temple that is holy and pleasing to God. We do this to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the world.
PUMP & PRAISE schedule
Monday 5:30 a.m.............Thursday 5:30 a.m.
July 16--no class......................July 19--no class
July 23.......................................July 26
July 30......................................August 2
August 6...................................August 9
August 13.................................August 16
August 20.................................August 23
August 27..................................August 30
All sessions are 45 minutes. This class is free.
Pump and Praise is part of the Sunnybrook WELLness Ministry Visit our website at http://3dwellness4life.blogspot.com.
For more info. contact Erik Nieuwenhuis at 293-1625 or ErikNie@msn.com.